New Brunswick Liberal Association
Last update: October 2, 2024
Leader | Susan Holt |
Popular vote in 2020 | 34.4% |
Current vote projection | 41.5% ± 4.8% |
Current number of MP's | 16 |
Current seat projection | 23 ± 6 |
Vote projection | October 2, 2024
Seat projection | October 2, 2024
Ranked list of favourable electoral districts | New Brunswick Liberal Association
Rank | Electoral districts | 2020 winner (transposed onto new map) |
Last projection | Odds of winning |
1. | Shippagan—Les-Îles | LIB safe | >99% | |
2. | Caraquet | LIB safe | >99% | |
3. | Edmundston—Vallée-des-Rivières | LIB safe | >99% | |
4. | Hautes-Terre-Nepisiguit | LIB safe | >99% | |
5. | Dieppe—Memramcook | LIB safe | >99% | |
6. | Tracadie | LIB safe | >99% | |
7. | Restigouche East | LIB safe | >99% | |
8. | Restigouche West | LIB safe | >99% | |
9. | Beausoleil—Grand-Bouctouche—Kent | LIB safe | >99% | |
10. | Miramichi Bay—Neguac | LIB safe | >99% | |
11. | Madawaska-Les-Lacs—Edmundston | LIB safe | >99% | |
12. | Belle-Baie-Belledune | LIB safe | >99% | |
13. | Shediac—Cap-Acadie | LIB safe | >99% | |
14. | Moncton East | LIB safe | >99% | |
15. | Shediac Bay—Dieppe | LIB safe | >99% | |
16. | Grand Falls—Vallée-des-Rivières—Saint-Quentin | LIB likely | >99% | |
17. | Champdoré—Irishtown | LIB likely | 96% | |
18. | Moncton Centre | LIB likely | 92% | |
19. | Bathurst | LIB leaning | 84% | |
20. | Moncton Northwest | Toss up LIB/PC | 65% | |
21. | Kent North | Toss up LIB/GRN | 61% | |
22. | Fredericton South—Silverwood | Toss up LIB/PC | 61% | |
23. | Miramichi East | Toss up LIB/PC | 47% | |
24. | Carleton—Victoria | Toss up LIB/PC | 45% | |
25. | Saint John Harbour | Toss up LIB/PC | 45% | |
26. | Moncton South | Toss up LIB/PC | 42% | |
27. | Saint John Portland—Simonds | Toss up LIB/PC | 34% | |
28. | Saint John East | PC leaning | 11% | |
29. | Fredericton North | PC leaning | 3% | |
30. | Saint John West—Lancaster | PC likely | 2% | |
31. | Fredericton—Lincoln | Toss up PC/GRN | 2% | |
32. | Miramichi West | PC likely | 1% |