
Edmonton Southeast

Latest projection: March 25, 2025
LPC leaning
Edmonton Southeast 46% ± 9% LPC 41% ± 8%▲ CPC 11% ± 5%▼ NDP CPC 2021 37.7% 338Canada vote projection | March 25, 2025
This projection is calculated using a mostly-proportional swing model adjusted with provincial and regional polls conducted by professional pollsters. This is not a poll, but a projection based on polls. The 338Canada model also takes into account electoral history and other data. Read more on 338Canada's methodology here.
50% 100% Edmonton Southeast 78%▼ LPC 22%▲ CPC <1% NDP Odds of winning | March 25, 2025
These odds of winning are those if a general election were held today. They are calculated by the 338Canada Monte Carlo-type program that runs thousands of general election simulations. Electoral districts are then labelled as safe (odds of winning higher than 99.9%), likely (90% to 99.9%), leaning (70% to 90%) or toss up (below 70%).
[▲▼: movement since previous update]

Popular vote projection | Edmonton Southeast

LPC 46% ± 9% CPC 41% ± 8% NDP 11% ± 5% Popular vote projection % | Edmonton Southeast 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 2025-03-01 2025-03-15 2025-04-01 2025-04-15 2025-05-01 2025-05-15 Election 2025 Campaign begins LPC CPC NDP March 25, 2025 2025-03-09 CPC 46% LPC 36% NDP 15% 2025-03-09 2025-03-16 CPC 42% LPC 41% NDP 14% 2025-03-16 2025-03-18 LPC 48% CPC 39% NDP 11% 2025-03-18 2025-03-20 LPC 49% CPC 38% NDP 11% 2025-03-20 2025-03-21 LPC 49% CPC 38% NDP 11% 2025-03-21 2025-03-22 LPC 46% CPC 39% NDP 12% 2025-03-22 2025-03-23 LPC 46% CPC 39% NDP 12% 2025-03-23 2025-03-24 LPC 46% CPC 40% NDP 13% 2025-03-24 2025-03-25 LPC 46% CPC 41% NDP 11% 2025-03-25 Carney LPC leader

Odds of winning | Edmonton Southeast

LPC 78% CPC 22% NDP <1% Odds of winning the most seats 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2025-03-01 2025-03-15 2025-04-01 2025-04-15 2025-05-01 2025-05-15 Election 2025 Campaign begins LPC CPC NDP March 25, 2025 2025-03-09 CPC 92% LPC 8% NDP <1% 2025-03-09 2025-03-16 CPC 53% LPC 47% NDP <1% 2025-03-16 2025-03-18 LPC 91% CPC 9% NDP <1% 2025-03-18 2025-03-20 LPC 94% CPC 6% NDP <1% 2025-03-20 2025-03-21 LPC 95% CPC 5% NDP <1% 2025-03-21 2025-03-22 LPC 84% CPC 16% NDP <1% 2025-03-22 2025-03-23 LPC 83% CPC 17% NDP <1% 2025-03-23 2025-03-24 LPC 79% CPC 21% NDP <1% 2025-03-24 2025-03-25 LPC 78% CPC 22% NDP <1% 2025-03-25 Carney LPC leader

Recent electoral history | Edmonton Southeast

2019 2021 Proj. LPC 33.1% 34.0% 46% ± 9% CPC 50.7% 37.7% 41% ± 8% NDP 12.5% 22.3% 11% ± 5% PPC 1.6% 5.7% 1% ± 2% GPC 1.7% 0.0% 1% ± 1%
Data from 2019 and 2021 are those transposed onto new electoral map.