
338Canada Bullseye Charts: Measuring Pollsters' House Effects

The charts below depicts federal polling data in Canada since the last federal election (September 2021), helping detect patterns and potential biases among pollsters. Each gray dot represents a single federal poll compared to the rolling 338Canada averages when the poll was fielded. The white dot with coloured stroke indicates this pollster' latest poll (middle field date appears next to it). You may toggle between the parties using the coloured buttons below.

When you hover over a pollster’s name in the legend, that pollster’s data points are highlighted in colour, revealing any patterns or "house effects" (a pollster’s tendency to systematically favour one party over another). For example, some pollsters may consistently place polls in a specific quadrant.

The charts tool offers readers a tool to better visualize Canadian polling trends and the differences between individual pollsters’ results.

CPC higher than 338 average CPC lower than 338 average LPC lower than 338 average LPC higher than 338 average Pollsters▼ National LEG Léger 2025-02-22 ARI Angus Reid 2024-12-29 ABA Abacus Data 2025-02-23 MSR Mainstreet Research 2025-02-10 NAN Nanos Research 2025-02-21 EKO EKOS 2025-02-21 IPS Ipsos 2025-02-23 PAL Pallas Data 2025-02-06 RCO Research Co. 2025-01-04 INN Innovative Research 2025-02-22 LATEST Latest Ipsos 2025-02-23 Abacus Data 2025-02-23 Léger 2025-02-22 Innovative 2025-02-22 Nanos Research 2025-02-21 EKOS 2025-02-21 Mainstreet 2025-02-10 Pallas Data 2025-02-06 ALL All averages Léger L+0.5 ,C-1.0 Angus Reid L-1.8 ,C+0.5 Abacus Data L-1.3 ,C+0.4 Mainstreet L-0.5 ,C+2.3 Nanos Research L+0.0 ,C-1.3 EKOS L+1.7 ,C-2.9 Ipsos L+0.5 ,C-0.1 Pallas Data L+2.4 ,C+0.1 Research Co. L+0.5 ,C-1.1 Innovative Research L+0.7 ,C-1.7 Latest projection: March 2, 2025