Nova scotia

New Democratic Party

Last update: March 9, 2024

LeaderClaudia Chender
Popular vote in 202120.9%
Current vote projection22.6% ± 2.5%
Current seat projection8 ± 1

Vote projection | March 9, 2024

17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% Min. 20.1% 2021 20.9% 22.6% ± 2.5% Max. 25.1% Probabilities % NDP

Seat projection | March 9, 2024

6 7 8 9 10 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 2021 6 seats Min. 7 8 Max. 9 Probabilities % NDP

Ranked list of favourable electoral districts | New Democratic Party

Rank Electoral districts Current party Last projection Odds of winning
1. Halifax Needham NDP safe >99%
2. Dartmouth South NDP safe >99%
3. Halifax Chebucto NDP safe >99%
4. Dartmouth North NDP safe >99%
5. Cape Breton Centre-Whitney Pier NDP safe >99%
6. Halifax Citadel-Sable Island NDP safe >99%
7. Fairview-Clayton Park NDP likely 99%
8. Halifax Armdale NDP likely 96%
9. Glace Bay-Dominion PC likely 10%
10. Cole Harbour PC likely 7%
11. Sydney-Membertou LIB likely 4%
12. Clayton Park West Toss up LIB/PC 2%
Rank Electoral districts Projection
1. Halifax Needham NDP safe
2. Dartmouth South NDP safe
3. Halifax Chebucto NDP safe
4. Dartmouth North NDP safe
5. Cape Breton Centre-Whitney Pier NDP safe
6. Halifax Citadel-Sable Island NDP safe
7. Fairview-Clayton Park NDP likely
8. Halifax Armdale NDP likely
9. Glace Bay-Dominion PC likely
10. Cole Harbour PC likely
11. Sydney-Membertou LIB likely
12. Clayton Park West Toss up LIB/PC