
Quebec Sovereignty Projection

Latest update: August 29, 2024

Sovereignty projection | Francophone voters 47% ± 5%▼ 44% ± 5%▲ 9% ± 3%▲ 338Canada Quebec | August 29, 2024
This projection is calculated using a weighted average of polls by the 338Canada model to estimate current party support. This is not a poll, but the result of an aggregation of polls and modelization of various data. Read more on 338Canada's methodology here.
Distribution of undecideds | Francophone voters 47% 9% 44% Before distribution 52% 48% Proportional distribution 51% 49% Half & half 53% 47% Two thirds to No camp 50% 50% Two thirds to Yes camp 338Canada Quebec | August 29, 2024

For the complete list of Quebec sovereignty polls, click here.

This page is still under construction. More chart coming soon.